
Steven Butz
Born in Los Angeles with a passion for drawing since he was three, Steven graduated with a BFA in illustration from Art Center College of Design. His teachers included renowned artists John Asaro, Harry Carmean, Vernon Wilson, Gene Edwards, Reginald Brown, William Maughan and Baron Storey. His senior year of high school, Steven received a Saturday Drawing scholarship to ACCD. two months before graduating, "Time" magazine selected his portrait of President Carter to be published on their inaugural cover.
Illustration, concept art, portrait, background, "key" painting, concept, development for animation.
Including Award winning television series, "Batman The Animated Series", Warner Brothers Studios. "Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles", Murakami / Wolf / Swenson Films, Inc., "Freakazoid!", Warner Brothers. "Tom and Jerry", "Pinky and the Brain", Warner Brothers Studios.
Feature Films
"Oliver and Company", Walt Disney Studios. "Mask of the Phantasm", "Subzero", Warner Brothers Studios. "Secret of NIMH 2", MGM Studios.
Animation experience listed on: STEVEN BUTZ IMDb
Clients Include
Sanero Productions, Southern California Edison Co., JPL, NASA, Universal Studios, Walt Disney Studios, Filmation Studios, Brentwood Publishing, Raintree Publishing, Video Gems, Cannon Pictures, Unicorn Video, Capital Research, Lorimar Films, Motortrend Magazine, American Bar Journal, Runners World, Calico Productions Inc., Los Angeles Rams Football, Fuddruckers Restaurants, Inc., Hanna Barbera Studios, Rich Entertainment.
"Batman the Complete Animated Series", "Batman and Friends", "Batman Animated", Warner Brothers Studios. "Mask of the Phantasm", "Subzero."
Works Produced in Books
"The Art of Batman Animated", Harper Entertainment, "20,000 Leagues Under The Sea", Raintree Publishing, "Outstanding Illustrators in America", Graphic Shaw Publishing, Tokyo Japan
Limited Edition Prints
"Cat in the Claw", Warner Brother "Classics", Promo "Pop Up" for "Batman Animated", Walt Disney Television Animation Promo Book, "Gargoyles"
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